Monday, May 28, 2012


So I know that pretty much no one reads my blog and that is little to no surprise.  But for those who for some reason found this and are reading it, know that change and going slightly off the mark can be pretty cool.  I graduated with a degree in Math and then a Masters in Education.  I am currently working in a bakery and it is pretty freakin sweet.  I love the people I work with, which has not happened since high school, and I am not living at home.  My apartment is still in a transitional period, but it is exciting.  I can finally see some positive outlooks on some of my situations.  I won't get into too much detail, but it is cool to take a chance here and there.  I need to take more chances and I recommend that for just about everyone.  If you are reading this, thank you and know that if I do keep up with this blog, it is probably going to start changing big time.